Driving civil engineering excellence: from planning to construction.
Providing vital infrastructure to support developments is vital to secure planning consent. We collaborate across drainage and infrastructure, highway design and road safety audits in all sectors of development.
Infrastructure / Civil Engineering
From sustainable drainage solutions and infrastructure to complex highway design, our technical knowledge and experience delivers where it matters – on site and in the ground.
Our team of civil engineers has extensive experience in supporting schemes from pre-planning and feasibility assessments to detailed design, technical approvals and construction. Early pre-planning involvement allows us to identify constraints and opportunities with site drainage, highways and earthworks.
Our collaborative approach to sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) provides vital design criteria to inform a master plan and allow coordination with other technical services through the planning process.
We have a strong engineering capability to support our planning teams with experience across a range of sectors including residential, education and renewable energy.
- Feasibility assessments and constraints plans
- Utility searches
- Drainage strategies and technical notes to support planning applications
- 3D earthworks design – cut & fill
- External works design and level assessment
- Below-ground foul and surface water design
- Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS)
- Drainage section agreements (104 & 106)
- Section 185 Drainage diversions and build-over agreements
- Land drainage consents
- Environmental permits
- Discharge of planning conditions
- Site supervision
Highway design
Rappor has extensive experience in the design of highway schemes and the associated technical approval processes, including Section 278 and Section 38 Agreements. Our expertise ranges from designing minor accesses to complex junction arrangements and link roads, together with off-site improvement works such as traffic calming and pedestrian/cycle connections.
Working alongside our transport planning team, we can assist in the early development of safe, suitable and cost-effective access solutions for all proposed developments. We can then make the post-planning transition to support discharging of highway-related planning conditions, obtain technical approval from the relevant highway authority for ‘construction-standard’ detailed design drawings, and assist the developer in obtaining the legal agreements required to undertake their schemes.
The team also has extensive experience in signage design, assisting developers in improving awareness of their scheme and promoting the efficient movement of people and vehicles through their site.
- Preliminary design and assessment of access options
- Detailed design of highway schemes to technical approval and construction
- Managing the Section 278 and Section 38 technical approval process
- Roundabout design
- 3D alignment design
- Pavement design calculations
- Sign design
- Cost estimates to assist with the financial planning of schemes
Road Safety Audits
Rappor has an experienced and knowledgeable in-house team of road safety auditors. Learn more in our Transport Planning section >