Wickes and Travis Perkins Led Trade Park
Rappor were delighted to provide transport planning services to assist Wickes and Travis Perkins with the successful redevelopment of the former Royal Mail delivery centre off Hawthorne Road in Staines, London, for a Wickes and Travis Perkins anchored trade park.
Issues and solutions
Following Rappor’s due diligence support prior to the acquisition of the site by Travis Perkins Properties Ltd, we were instructed to produce a detailed Transport Assessment and Framework Travel Plan to support the planning application.
The site historically had been occupied by a Royal Mail delivery centre and was therefore associated with a significantly different profile of trip attraction and parking demand. Rappor’s Transport Assessment provided a detailed trip impact assessment to outline the net change in traffic resulting from the development, followed by junction capacity analysis at a range of local traffic junctions requested by the local highway authority.
Rappor were able to demonstrate that the impact of the redevelopment would be negligible in safety and operational terms, allowing the highway authority to positively support the planning application, which was subsequently approved by the Council.