Home > Projects > Timbercombe House, Charlton Kings Business Park – Redevelopment of Offices to Residential Apartments


Rappor was appointed to support an application to determine if prior approval would be required for a proposed change of use from offices (B1(a)) to residential dwellings (C3) at Timbercombe House, Charlton Kings Business Park, Cirencester Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, Gl53 8DZ.

Issues and solutions

Issues – the Local Highway Authority raised concerns with regards to numerous elements / potential impacts of the intended change of use, which required further clarity before a decision would be determined.

Solutions – in response to the Local High Authority, Rappor demonstrated the sustainable location / accessibility of the site, liaised with both public and private refuse collection companies to determine a suitable collection strategy, performed swept path analysis, assessed the safety record of the local highway network and carried out a forecast trip generation / parking demand assessment, which was supported by Census Data Analysis of local car ownership levels. All of this data and analysis was provided in the form of a Technical Note – a succinct report which addresses specific issues and provides information on certain elements of a scheme.


Rappor’s Technical Note provided all the required information and clarity sought by the Local Highway Authority, thus ensuring that the scheme would not result in a detrimental impact on the local highway network and would serve to provide additional residential accommodation in a desirable location on the periphery of Cheltenham town centre.