Planning Approval For Expansion Of Winchcombe School and New Sports Hall
Planning Approval For Expansion Of Winchcombe School and New Sports Hall. Rappor were appointed to undertake a Transport Statement and Travel Plan for a planning application to provide an additional form of entry at the Secondary School and a new sports hall for the school and broader community use.
Issues and solutions
The existing site accommodates not only the school but the Winchcombe Sports Hub facility, which operates independently from the School and consists of a dance studio/classroom and 3G pitch.
During the evenings this puts additional pressure on parking provision within the site. As part of the work undertaken, the cumulative impact of the new sports hall and Sports Hub were fully assessed. Surveys identified that there was spare capacity on site in an overflow car park that is currently underutilised, but, with an appropriate car park management plan, this would ensure that all traffic associated with use of the sports hall and Sports Hub could be accommodated within the site and therefore reducing the impact of the site.
Sustainable access to the site for all users was also considered and enhancements to local infrastructure will be provided as part of the development.
The work undertaken by Rappor enabled officers to conclude that the proposals were acceptable and planning permission was subsequently granted via a delegated decision.