Longhope Commercial Development
Longhope Commercial Development. Rappor was appointed to produce a Transport Statement and Commercial Travel Plan to support a mixed-use B1 and B2 commercial development at the former Richard Read depot, Longhope.
Issues and solutions
The key issues concerned the proposed site access and demonstrating its suitability in visibility and geometry terms, providing sufficient parking provision within the constraints of the site and assessing the forecast traffic impacts of the development.
Rappor demonstrated that the proposed access arrangements comply with GCC guidance and that a safe and suitable access can be achieved. The proposed parking provision on-site ensures that there is no adverse impact upon the local highway network and in view of the potential trip attraction of the site for vehicles, GCC confirmed that the development proposals would not have a detrimental impact on the safe and efficient operation of the local highway network.
Planning permission was granted as Rappor’s Reports provided all the required information and clarity sought by the Local Highway Authority, thus ensuring that the scheme would not result in a detrimental impact on the local highway network.