ATC Loudspeaker Technology Redevelopment & Expansion, Stroud
ATC Loudspeaker Technology is a British manufacturer of world-leading loudspeakers and audio technology, supplying professional studios across the globe. Having outgrown their original site within The Cotswolds National Landscape, Rappor was invited to support the redevelopment and expansion of the site, helping consolidate multiple facilities to improve efficiency and increase capacity while remaining sensitive to the natural landscape and reducing environmental impact. We provided services across RIBA stages 1 to 3, including landscape planning and design, transport planning, and acoustics.
Issues and solutions
Given its location, the protection and enhancement of this nationally designated landscape was paramount. The development needed to be subtle and in-keeping with its surroundings, with the site access designed to ensure minimal disruption to the small country lane and nearby junction.
Rappor collaborated with architects Roberts Limbrick and planning consultants Ridge and Partners to shape the development at RIBA stage 1. Guided by the landscape strategy and guidelines published by the Cotswolds National Landscape, the design of the scheme was landscape-led and has evolved to reflect the form of a farmstead with linear buildings akin to barns and a ‘farmhouse’ building with greater domestic proportions and scale.
To demonstrate that the site did not adversely affect the natural beauty and tranquility of the area, a full landscape impact and visual impact assessment, noise assessment, transport assessment and night time assessment were undertaken in line with the National Landscape’s position statements on dark skies and tranquility.
We proposed improvements to the access lane and associated junction, and advised usage limitations be put in place to retain the rural feel of the lane. Sustainable travel opportunities were increased and will be promoted and monitored via a company Travel Plan.
Thanks to regular consultation with Cotswold Landscape and close collaboration with the project team, planning permission was successfully granted.
Our work has ensured the new development will be beautifully in-keeping with the natural landscape, with minimal disruption to the local area. Biodiversity will be enhanced with native landscaping, bat and bird boxes, and wildflower planting, resulting in a 126.8% biodiversity net gain.
Excess traffic will be limited, and with all facilities now in one place and more options for sustainable travel, carbon emissions from transport will be reduced, further protecting and enhancing this nationally designated landscape.
We look forward to working on the next stages of this nationally significant project.