Pedestrian Crossing Guidance Withdrawn
With little fanfare, and despite being prevalent forcirca 25 years, LTN 1/95 and 2/95 were withdrawn in December 2019.
LTN 1/95 provided guidance on determining if a pedestrian crossing was required and if it was deemed that a crossing was required; the crossing type. This was based on a number of assessment methodologies ranging from on-site observations, to pedestrian and vehicle counts, and mathematic calculations.
Once it was deemed that a pedestrian crossing was required, LTN 2/95 provided guidance on the design of the pedestrian crossing.
This guidance has now been withdrawn and replaced by guidance contained in an updated issue of Chapter 6 of the Traffic Signs Manual. The assessment methodology is broadly similar, with some subtle changes, that I would suggest all designers familiarise themselves with.
If you have any highway related queries please feel free to contact Mike on mike.glaze@www.rappor.co.uk